Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Shirt's are still warm

It's almost t-shirt season, this March is going out like a lamb. Drop me a line if you want one, $13 a pop, that's damn cheap to show class on your street.
Pageviews today

Shit, first day of this new project too. I'll post shirts later, first three are spoken for, but I'll be doing more this weekend.

Get em while they're hot off the press!

Who doesn't love the t-shirt ads in the ol' EasyRider magazines? Why not get your own. Done the the old fashioned heat press way, by hand. Get one for you and yer ol' lady.

Modus Operandi

The 5 & Dime Trading Co. is my new project, sort of an umbrella to incorporate all of the projects and things I work on. Motorcycle parts trading, art shit, and soon some apparel and accessories, Like shirts with Wheeler's handsome mug on em... I have too many ideas to not get shit together. It's gonna be a good ride so stick around amigo's

Leap Year

This is gonna be a busy month, Swap meet in Red Deer on April 1st, then shortly after, drivin' to Vancouver to pick up my 68 BSA.

Anyhow, it's February 29th, we don't get many of these so make it a good one. Happy Birthday Grandpa

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Bless this mess.

Wheelin' n dealin' got me this sweet project. And I do mean project, this ain't a rush for a big name show, it's gettin' done the way they used to do.